Well, I guess every mommy/mommy-to-be likes to wear fabulous formal dresses, don't you think? For me, slim or plus size women does. For some other nation (well, mostly, if not most), thin ones are an "in" thing but not here in USA. Everybody is entitled for fashion. Plus size women fit-in with fabulous plus size formal dresses and any kind of clothing and accessories. Plus size women can play with their measurements and still looks fab and amazing just like the thin ones. I love seeing plus-size women with curves! Well, such curves can be seen depending on the style of clothing/outfit women wear. So playing with their measurement is definitely great! Thanks goodness there are many plus size clothing available everywhere or even at the tip of one's mouse.

This mommy-to-be is fond of dresses. I like dresses, shoes and purses but when I have to choose only one, the very first is like most. I guess I have this fondness because when I was young, I was not fortunate enough to have fabulous dresses even with special occasions like birthday, Christmas and other occasions alike which you think a dress is just a typical new on those times. Poor me but I accept. I did not regret because that was my fate but now that I can afford to buy some, I indulge with it even sometimes. :-) Why not! :-) What about you, do you love dresses too?