We love to have our own house, don't we? Okay, everybody loves to own one or even several houses. A typical person working a typical job, owning a dream house is hard to get especially in places where houses are in-demand. It is surely expensive in that area. Prospective buyer is in a journey of looking for sale or the down-priced ones hoping he/she is lucky enough to own one or in the future. And what about living in Hawaii? Is Hawaii your dream place to live one day? Or a vacation place perhaps? I bet you would like to have a house there. Good thing, it is a perfect timing now because there are many Houses for Sale in Hawaii nowadays. Who knows you are one lucky person to own one just by browsing and checking it out which would lead to a prospective one.

As a mommy-to-be point of view, it is really great to have a house of our own (if we can afford and does not conflict to our spouse job location and alike to the sense that it is less hassle and we have steady place of stay aside from the word, it is or "own"). A newborn baby can also disturb people in the neighborhood and if we don't have a comfortable place, it is shameful to them. The point is "being comfortable" and having our "own" . :-)