Does journeying into being a first time mommy also mean being mean? That is a big question to you mommy-to-be what is that meant. That could also either tag with a million dollar question or nothing on you, maybe.

Alright, the husband told the wife (mommy-to-be) that being her as a pregnant woman made her mean. What??? Well, maybe. Charge to experience, I can now say what I want and do not mind what he thinks. Ha! Especially on my first trimester, I just really say it and can care less. One time he was furious and I just said, you look like a pregnant woman. It might be my excuse, or it really is. This is one perk that I have being a mommy-to-be. He just let it go and think that it is because I am pregnant. He cares much of his daughter-to-be and do not want to hurt me saying unpleasant words (he used to be like that and care more that am pregnant), am sensitive wife, you know. Now, he is the one who is sensitive, and me the vice-versa. Ha! It is my turn. Oops! But sometimes, my mood swings and even just little nonsense stuff, it gets on my nerve. Ooh well. Blame it to pregnancy again. Grin. But, always remember that too much is bad, pregnant or not. Just a simple reminder.