If you follow me along my posts, you already know I just did my shopping thing for my incoming-baby. It was an overwhelming moment, I did not know I bought much of her needs. This mommy-to-be had a list of things to buy and even put how many pieces should I have to get. I was even told not to buy a lot since she will outgrow it fast. I shop at two stores at different days, that's my excuse, ha! Why? Because if it's in one store only, I can see how many are they and can control. Waaaahh! Acceptable? Not! I know. After the major shopping, I put all the dresses together (NewBorn up to 9 months) as well as the gifts given by my precious friends excluding the 12 years clothes up to toddler (just only few of them) and I startled upon seeing of it. Maybe not much of you but for me, it is already much for her basic clothes. And yep, the costs of it too! Waaaa! The bad thing is most of it (only 5 pairs have tags left) I already took-off the tags so I can no longer return it. Bad! I can see myself kept looking at it (it's in the couch because I am preparing it to wash so I can see it always and I don't want to wash it yet because it's not yet in time. I schedule my chores you know) and just calm down myself, instead being positive about it. After all, she's my first baby and wanted to have second baby too. :-) Hoping it's still a girl but am more of a boy for the second one to make it pair. But then who knows? :-) Anyway, that's my journey of buying stuffs for my first baby as being a first-time mom. It is a tedious task! I have to imagine how many months she will be that time and her weight.