Owning an iPad gadget from Apple is such awesome. How could not be if it is a gadget and you do not need to pay for it. Oops! I do not have yet any for now but I hope one day I can have. Am envious to those who have but that is life, we cannot everything. :-) If this mommy-to-be would have it, I would like to have a personalized iPad sleeve that has my name (or an e-name/nickname with an initial surname) and favorite color on it. Am still on the journey of having one. Not yet now because it is more of a luxury for me and I cannot use it often if I have one because am on my laptop always. But then, it is still awesome to have it. Am I on the verge of dreaming journey? Nope! Just wishing. :-)

Either if you are a mommy/mommy-to-be or not, I can bet you are also wanting such, aren't you? There are vertical also custom iPad sleeves that anyone would love to have. I cannot just stop thinking about it but I have to calm down or this baby-in-my-tummy will kick me hard. :-) Nah, you bet it she is just kicking now. It is such cool (the iPad and the baby *wink*)! God is great and am so thankful for this gift of life am carrying now. Bless this baby Oh Lord.