Though there is no ultrasound for the baby-in-my-tummy, still was a success. It was just a short visit. I do not know if she made it fast or it is really what it is, or what. I wanted to have an ultrasound every time I visit there but then it is fine (just comforting myself. Ha! :-p). As usual, the assistant checked my weight, blood pressure and urine. Afterwards, my ob-gyne just checked the length of my tummy and the baby-in-my-tummy heart beat. Then asked if I have questions or concerns. I just tell that I have leg cramps and shortness of breath which she said it is just fine and gave me some tip on how to overcome on it. She added that palpitation is also normal. This mommy-to-be's doctor/ob-gyne told that I have a normal weight (thankfully, not overweight anymore as being pregnant of 32 weeks and two days) which is 135 lbs. My blood pressure also is fine (of course according to her) which is 104/60. My tummy height as she measure is fine too, I forgot how tall my tummy is, the only thing I remember is it is doing great, not tall and not also dwarf. *wink* (kidding aside but seriously on the other hand) And that is it! She then told me to get an schedule for the next two weeks to see her, as prenatal. I waited a bit to get the appointment schedule (which isn't usual, the first time I waited just to get the schedule) but it is fine. And that is it! DH and I then went home. Oops, not yet, I went first to the store for grocery and DH got quarters too for laundry then waited outside until I was done. Great! :-)