Who among you here mommies, mommies-to-be who are fond of clothes? Well, if you are one of them, include me of your group too! :-) I am a clothes person and I shop clothes especially that I am pregnant. Well, come to think of it, I guess most women does. Yours truly, mommy-to-be love seeing people wearing comfortable clothes even if I was not pregnant yet. And I would like to continue that even having a big bump on my tummy. :-) And so another batch of maternity clothes (not a lot though) is entertaining you above or where the two going-together below. I shop this online.
I got great stuffs though that two look-alike or same style dresses (florals on the left corner) are too big for now, so I have to wait the time I have a big bump or the baby grows big. And the one colorful dress on the right corner is small for me but maybe I can use that when my body goes back to normal before I got pregnant after I deliver my baby Sam. :-) Those are good stuffs at a great price I paid.