Showing posts with label baby care tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby care tips. Show all posts
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

postheadericon Temper Tantrums are Unhealthy?

Wrong. Not only are temper tantrums normal, but also they serve a healthy purpose. For young children with limited language skills, these bursts are often the only way to communicate their needs. In addition, temper tantrums provide our child with a much-needed outlet to vent their strong emotions of anger and frustration.

According to experts or pediatricians, for most parents, parenting knowledge comes from two main sources: how they were raised and common knowledge gleaned from media and the advice of other well-meaning people. Some of this information will be useful, but at times, it may be based on outmoded views, different beliefs, and even faulty research. Not all of what we have heard about temper tantrums may be true, and not all of it applies to you and your family. Temper tantrums are not bad, and neither are the children who have them.

Temper tantrums are not planned events. With rare exception, our child does not set out to willfully misbehave when she has a temper tantrum. If we help our child acquire self-control as she learns appropriate ways to express her strong emotions, you should expect her to become a happy and well-adjusted teen and adult.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

postheadericon She Don't Want Me to Hold Her

Yes, my little tot does all her might whenever I  hold  her when we are walking or anything that I think she's in risk. To her, it is not. She thinks she can do it without my help. Okay, sometimes I am overprotective to her and I can sense it when she proves herself she did it. Just for instance, she walked in an elevated road and walked at the same time going down. Of course, I have to do a precautionary measure after letting her do it, of being there whenever she's not comfortable or she's about to fall. But hooray to her since she's very able to do it over and over again. I think she is already a master of it. :) But still when she does it, I am always on the lookout for the consequence.

She's already a grown-up 18 months old toddler. She's very observant, yes, a very keen observer and imitates too much. That's why, whenever I do not like her to imitate what I am doing, I won't let her see it. The trick? I have to hide doing it or cover her pretending nothing happened. Alright, so that's another story.

She's a star. My lovely amazing heart baby doll, my daughter SAM. :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

postheadericon Is it True that I Should Not Pick my Daughter Up When She Falls?

That seems to be easier said than done. As parents, we can’t help but being overprotective at times and make sure no harm comes to our child or children. In some instances, though, it is better to let them be. Anyway, I got a reliable source that, a toddler’s body is its own cushion, because of her size. She is closer to the ground, so the impact is minimal; also she is well-protected with baby fat. The skull is also flexible because the fontanels or the soft spot has not closed completely yet, so the child can usually take slight bumps on the head without much damage. I have learned that overprotecting our toddler to prevent falls will only lead her to fall down more often, since it is only by falling that a child learns to master her own two feet. Also, cuddling much our baby when she has to walk, will only make her more fearful later on in life, inhibit her gross motor development like jumping and running and stifle her natural drive to explore. However, these don’t mean you shouldn’t keep a watchful eye on your toddler when she or he is playing.

Always baby-proof!

Monday, February 11, 2013

postheadericon Learning to be an Effective Parent

It takes time and practice to learn new skills. We, as a parent, must have confidence in our ability to do the best for our child. We can’t have a perfect baby or be a perfect parent. Lets just enjoy the every simple pleasures of raising our child today; the next development stage will come soon enough.

The most important thing in our baby’s development is the happy and secure quality of care-taking that we parent have to give to our child.. Parenting is a changing, evolving process. We will make mistakes and learn from them. We will guide and protect our child in her development, but she will teach us things as well, about her and about ourselves. We can re-prioritize things that are important to us. If a super-tidy house has always been crucial to you, learn to live with a little mess. Save the energy for nurturing yourself and your child. Let us continue to learn new parenting skills by looking for support from other parents.

postheadericon Highchair Safety

A baby is usually ready for a highchair around the age of five months, when she can sit up with support.Just make sure that her highchair has a wide base for stability and a tray that locks securely. Always use a safety belt to secure your baby in her highchair and never leave her unattended. The highchair should not be near hazards such as stoves, shelves, tables, counters, windows and dangling cords from blinds and drapes.

My little princess is in 17 months now and even if she’s not little anymore, the more I don’t trust her sitting on her highchair without my attention. Honestly, there are times that she doesn't like to sit on her highchair, and so I have to make tricks, or I have to find a way that she would not resist from sitting on the highchair. Anyway, babies (I guess) are easy to handle as long as the mother, nanny or guardian knows how to find their weaknesses.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

postheadericon How to Handle Bad Temper

As a parent, you will be called upon constantly to adapt to new situations. I have learned that parenting requires reflection and self-awareness on your (or parents') part. That process begins as soon as you become a parent. Many of us don’t take time to examine our backgrounds to figure out what will be useful and what might be harmful to our children. I am a new mom, and admittedly, there were times that I don’t know what to do with my child when bad temper struck at her. Of course, as a mom, I need to find out what makes her mad. Fortunately, most of the time, the struggle to calm her down were settled well and easily. How do I do it? Thanks to my e-5 smartphone, she likes to press and press the small buttons on it. But, it must have to be locked, in that way though, even if the phone is lock, she can still manage to turn on the flash light feature of it, zooming the time, back-light on and stuffs. The most important thing, we, moms has to listen to our child of what she likes to have and not. Of course, we also has to say "NO" if its not good.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

postheadericon Don’t Waste Money on Rashes

If your child comes down with a rash, do some investigative works on your own before you spend money on hefty doctor’s fees. Ask yourself: Did you just change laundry detergents? Was she teething (that she bites or put everything on her mouth) which produces diarrhea which triggers the rashes? Many rashes are simple reactions to a new food, lotion, and some gets reaction when the weather changed.

If your answers are “no” to the above questions, or your child’s rash is accompanied with a sore throat or joint pain, then it is the time to call your doctor. In case you knew already that your child’s skin is so sensitive, or your child has an allergy from a certain food, products and more, don’t let him/her eat that food, or don’t let him/her use that product, and if ever you forgot about his/her allergy, then you should always have a medicine or lotion for allergies in your medicine kit.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

postheadericon Caring for the Baby

It is the parents responsibility to take care of the baby. The baby’s first year is the best time to prepare him or her for a happy future. Thus parents should know the proper steps to follow in caring for a newborn and what his or her needs are. A newborn baby sleeps most of the time. Enough sleep and rest is needed for physical health. Since the baby sleeps a lot, he/she should be placed in a crib protected from mosquitoes and other insects.

To prevent diaper rush, make sure that the baby is always clean and dry. Be careful in changing the baby’s diaper. If the baby has had a loose bowel movement, do not remove the diaper at once but fold the soiled portion under. Wipe the anus with moistened cotton, and then wash with soap and water. Babies should feed with the recommended amount of prepared milk products. There are many powdered milk good for infants although mother’s milk is still the best for the baby.

postheadericon Dealing With Teething Troubles

As part of the development milestone, babies would really undergo the painful stage of teething. It is a phenomenon where discomfort is very common causing night troubles and sleeplessness. Though some parents are blessed with babies who will just grow teeth like nothing happens, painless teething happens one in a million cases.

Remember that teething is not an illness and therefore it should not be giving babies any problems aside from discomfort in the swollen gum area. Diarrhea and vomiting are two different things abd should be managed differently.

When teething occurs, you may apply some teething gels to numb the gums for few minutes. To avoid introducing any substance by mouth, you may use cold clean cloth. Teethers or teething rings can be used as well or simply let your finger be bitten. Just make sure that your finger is clean and well disinfected. Cold solid foods like chilled banana can also be served.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

postheadericon A Jolly Mommy is a Jolly Baby

I don't know if you believe that but I believe so. It is not to brag but I see myself a happy person, a jolly one. I don't like giving the negative thoughts an idea for me to be wicked, to be a weak. That is not me. If I have some problems, I have to solve it calmly, not by talking it to everyone to have their sympathy and pity on me unless if it's time for me to give-up to which I cannot do it my own. I call that a happy, jolly one. If it's not what you think or reject my thought, then I don't know what you're thinking. I just hope it's positive since if it's the opposite, it won't give you a lift, raise you up and higher than me that way. Hep!

Alright, beware of the negative vibes, I believe so. "Break the chain connecting to the negative things, negative people and alike" because it won't give us a good life, but lead to destruction, I so believe. Hence, let's be optimistic and lively because our child/children/peers and even stranger will imitate that to us, don't you think so? You know we bond with them.

Have a great day/night mommy/ies and everyone!

Friday, April 6, 2012

postheadericon Baby Care Tip #2: Bedtime Routine

Make sure you establish a sleeping routine that your baby will look forward to and know that when you are doing these things she will have to be sleeping after that. Here are a few tips:

1. Make sure to do this routine at the same time every night so your baby will get used to it.

2. Begin your routine with a lukewarm sponge bath. The lukewarm water will do wonders to help induce sleep in your little one.

3. To help her relax, you can also play his favorite lullaby.

4. Do not forget to give her a baby massage using a soothing oil for babies.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

postheadericon Head Care While Sleeping

Flat head, uneven form of head or whatever you call it, there is a big tendency (well, according to my fore-parents, grandparents, close family circles) and I can feel it that sleeping is one way of causing such. I know a baby has its own pace but parents has also have to take good care what is a responsibility on their hand, especially the mother or a caregiver which is being close to a child. Being close as she is watching her all the time, she is with the baby all the time. This means that she must also has to watch closely how the baby turn her head while sleeping, or the way she puts her head. When you help her balancing her head (balancing in a way of every 30 minutes or an hour or so, when she puts her head in the right direction and does not put in the other direction just as she puts in the former, then you have to help her getting used of putting her head on the other direction too, or balancing. In this way, her head is balance when she's already big. You know a child's head is so soft so any form she's used with it, the way she does it will also go with the flow since it is still soft and manageable.

So I suggest you to take closely of your child's head when she's asleep and do what you can do to let her head be even! Put or Lye it in the opposite directions one at a time!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

postheadericon Baby Care Tip #1: Solid Feeding

Although some moms tend to introduce solids to their little one as early as four months, some doctors actually advice that you wait out until they are 6 months before introducing any solid food in their diet. This is to prevent show of any food allergies your child might have much early. It is also best to stick with personally-prepared solid food instead of buying them over the counter. You can mash potatoes, carrots, pumpkin or any other vegetable that is available. Just make sure they are fresh. You can prepare it in batches and store them in baggies in the freezer. Also, be careful to introduce these new solids one at a time. This is to make sure that whenever an allergy occurs, you will know for sure which food causes it. It will be harder to pinpoint the culprit if you will be feeding him two or three new food at a time.

And this is what I am doing right now. So far it works great that's why I am giving you this. :-)


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