It takes time and practice to learn new skills. We, as a parent, must have confidence in our ability to do the best for our child. We can’t have a perfect baby or be a perfect parent. Lets just enjoy the every simple pleasures of raising our child today; the next development stage will come soon enough.

The most important thing in our baby’s development is the happy and secure quality of care-taking that we parent have to give to our child.. Parenting is a changing, evolving process. We will make mistakes and learn from them. We will guide and protect our child in her development, but she will teach us things as well, about her and about ourselves. We can re-prioritize things that are important to us. If a super-tidy house has always been crucial to you, learn to live with a little mess. Save the energy for nurturing yourself and your child. Let us continue to learn new parenting skills by looking for support from other parents.