That seems to be easier said than done. As parents, we can’t help but being overprotective at times and make sure no harm comes to our child or children. In some instances, though, it is better to let them be. Anyway, I got a reliable source that, a toddler’s body is its own cushion, because of her size. She is closer to the ground, so the impact is minimal; also she is well-protected with baby fat. The skull is also flexible because the fontanels or the soft spot has not closed completely yet, so the child can usually take slight bumps on the head without much damage. I have learned that overprotecting our toddler to prevent falls will only lead her to fall down more often, since it is only by falling that a child learns to master her own two feet. Also, cuddling much our baby when she has to walk, will only make her more fearful later on in life, inhibit her gross motor development like jumping and running and stifle her natural drive to explore. However, these don’t mean you shouldn’t keep a watchful eye on your toddler when she or he is playing.

Always baby-proof!