As part of the development milestone, babies would really undergo the painful stage of teething. It is a phenomenon where discomfort is very common causing night troubles and sleeplessness. Though some parents are blessed with babies who will just grow teeth like nothing happens, painless teething happens one in a million cases.

Remember that teething is not an illness and therefore it should not be giving babies any problems aside from discomfort in the swollen gum area. Diarrhea and vomiting are two different things abd should be managed differently.

When teething occurs, you may apply some teething gels to numb the gums for few minutes. To avoid introducing any substance by mouth, you may use cold clean cloth. Teethers or teething rings can be used as well or simply let your finger be bitten. Just make sure that your finger is clean and well disinfected. Cold solid foods like chilled banana can also be served.