Although some moms tend to introduce solids to their little one as early as four months, some doctors actually advice that you wait out until they are 6 months before introducing any solid food in their diet. This is to prevent show of any food allergies your child might have much early. It is also best to stick with personally-prepared solid food instead of buying them over the counter. You can mash potatoes, carrots, pumpkin or any other vegetable that is available. Just make sure they are fresh. You can prepare it in batches and store them in baggies in the freezer. Also, be careful to introduce these new solids one at a time. This is to make sure that whenever an allergy occurs, you will know for sure which food causes it. It will be harder to pinpoint the culprit if you will be feeding him two or three new food at a time.

And this is what I am doing right now. So far it works great that's why I am giving you this. :-)