I take care of my little girl. I am a homemaker. A housewife. A Stay-At-Home-Wife. A Stay-At-Home-Mom. Whatever you call it. I am a full-time wife and mommy. I take care of my family 24-hours a day, seven (7) days a week and 365 days a year. And I do not have regrets of being like this. In fact, I am even very grateful of what I am now. Of what I have now. I have a beautiful daughter and a great husband. What more can I ask? :-) A happy me. A happy family I have. That is all that matters. There are trials but that is normal in life. Life is not perfect but it is beautiful, very beautiful, that we have to see it. I believe of "count your blessings" , not the trials. Wink.

Whenever I look at my little lady Sam, I can always think of being with her is a miracle. Everyday is a miracle. God is so good that He let knowledgeable and talented people, great friends and family surrounds us. I am very much grateful everyday! This journey of life we have is just great. And this is all because of God. Almighty God is great, isn't He? Yes, He really is!