Have you ever heard everywhere of a person saying, " she's in #4 " ? Yeah right, you can hear that everywhere when there's a beauty contest, money search and even in campuses, banks and alike. But we are dealing here with a mommy journey or a baby here, so maybe an appointment number or a rank in the family, maybe? Oops, not in the selection if that's what you are thinking. Ha! I know you are smarty, so you are saying, "what the h***, we are dealing with a legs here!" . Smile. :-) And you are right! I don't if every kiddos knows how to have a leg position #4 but my kiddie is doing it most of the time when her legs are lying of the same level. You already know how alert and energetic she is, to a point of she cannot settle still. :-) So yeah, she does most that #4! :-)

I just can remember as I put her in a stroller with her feet up (yes, she's facing me). She did the #4 all the way as we went downtown and back to our house, no matter how I changed it, she still put in that position.

How about you, have you seen kids like her? Isn't it cute to look at? ;-)