"Why you keep putting your legs all over my arm?" , a typical interrogation (question as commonly called) to my eight months (8 months+) infant every time she is having her formula. Oops, not only that time but most of the time when she is lying down like changing her in the changing table (or anywhere), playing on her feet, or just lying down. Really, sometimes I could feel the nuisance. Ha! But I find it cuteand sweet! It is just that her legs are heavy, you know I only have one arm to feed her pointing on her legs, so imagine one arm with two legs all over while carrying the bottle with formula. I am not complaining though. :-) One thing, did I tell you that it's not just on my arm but any part of my body which is near her legs? Ha! You bet!

My baby love, daughter Sam is so energetic and very alert at this age of her. Good thing she is not that type of baby who loves to be carried all-the-time. I am so proud and blessed to have this precious little lady of mine. :-) She is growing fast everyday and I cannot be happier of watching her growing every second each day. I love much my pretty cutie patotie. :-) Happy mommy me! :-)