Here are some ways to boost your child’s vocabulary: A mommy or a parent must talk as much and as often as you can directly to your toddler, whether it is carrying on an actual conversation, singing a song or reading to her. Look at her while you talk. Let her see your face and your gestures.

Repetition is the key. If you read her a story, don’t get tired of reading it again and again. Repeat concepts taught as much as you can. Children’s songs are a great way to teach concepts by repetition. Example: My toes, my knees, my shoulder, my head.

Talk to her as you are talking to a grown-up. Kids in a learning journey say the cutest things, such as “wee-wee” for pee, “tenchu” for thank you, “pleet” for please, but don’t let these tempt you into mimicking them during conversations. Hearing you use baby talk may just confuse your toddler and won’t help her language development.