New Mom, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it, from friends, family, support groups or a professional. It will be better for you and your child. If you need a break, take some time out with your partner or a friend. Get some exercise. Even 10 minutes a day will help. Let yourself fall in love with your baby, of course. Every baby needs someone who is madly in love with her. If you can, sleep or rest when your baby does. Keep away from Facebook. It will just waste your time. Prioritize household tasks. Let some of the low priority ones go for a while and, when possible, delegate some to others. Go with the flow in the journey of being a mommy. It's hard but don't let it control your head. Forget schedules and efficiency. Your baby is generally not predictable and you can’t work on the rest of the world’s timetable when you have got a new born. Enjoy your baby today, don’t wish these early months away. Give yourself time to adjust. Nobody knows how to do everything for her baby overnight.

Remember the newborn phase is short. Don’t draw conclusions based on this brief period. Eventually, you would get a full night’s sleep again.