I was delighted to see on her first tooth and lately I saw a little white near on it. And you bet, it is already her second tooth! Now she has teeth (as it is already two, ha!). Smile. I like to make her smile since make her imitate me on how to show her teeth, she just show her tongue. Ha ha! But she still manage to smile and give laughs despite of her erupting teeth. I can tell her gums sore. Sooner or later, the other ones also will show. I cannot wait. :-) She just like to bite stuffs or lick (whew!) which signs of teething. So I am buying and giving her teethers. She likes the pacifier though. And I am always checking it if there is a sign of wear and tear to be safe. Ah, it just a happy moment for me. Oops, "moments" I mean. :-) She's just a doll. Not I am calling her a "big girl" because she has already a two teeth, one is showing big and the other little one. :-)