If you are like most of us, you need to save money where you can. Having a child is expensive, far more so than you may ever think. Between diapers and medical bills you are going to run out of funds for the less essential items like baby monitors and toys very quickly. This is where hand-me-downs can get really important.

You should check with relatives who have had kids and ask if they have anything that they would be willing to lend, give or sell to you. You may be surprised what you are offered. I have seen people that had entire bedroom sets in storage from their kids that had since left the house and had their own children. I have even seen some people hold onto diapers for a long time after their children have been potty trained because diapers are like gold coin to a parent. They are precious things that you hold onto well beyond when you need them.

You can encourage that gift giving attitude if you offer to help clean out that attic where they keep all the old baby stuff. A little help in this way will benefit both of you. They get their attic or garage cleaned and you may wind up with fully working baby monitors that you no longer have to buy or some other expensive items that they couldn’t part with.

Once you are done with the baby items you should either ask if the people who gave them to you want them back or pass them on.