I would like to ask this to all mothers. How do you manage holding an academic position while being a wife, mother and homemaker at the same time? Well, I am not currently employed in a company. I stayed at home all day and night together with my little angel of my life. I sometimes blog if I get a chance. And now, I realize that many women today live in a similar situation.

In this stage, mothers performing other roles do not sound uncommon. The question perhaps which these well-meaning friends really want to ask is this: How do you behave as a wife, subordinate to your husband, while occupying your time with your child? Truthfully, it is hard. I am just lucky because my husband never acted like a king in our home. In fact, he has time to take care of our only child when he gets a chance, or sometimes even if he is tired from work. He likes being with his little angel. Just like when he arrived from work today, instead of laying his back on the bed, so he could rest for a while, he played with Sarah. That was really an awesome scene for me. I just hope that hubby will always be a devoted father to Sarah, and a supportive husband to me.