This Sam of mine is always on-the-go of making sounds at eleven months. Okay, not all the time, I am just pointing-out the time that she's of just herself. Well, not mostly, she also does it it even at the crowded voices of my husband and I and even with the sounds of an electronic. Whenever she feels like babbling, she does all the way. Ha! I like hearing those babbles and such. Even the shouting, I love it! It just shows that she is learning how to talk.

Aside from making sounds, she is also into imitating of what I am doing. Like playing with her, she is doing what I am doing and laugh after such. Yes, she loves playing. I can only wish of 24/7 being beside her (without eating, cleaning myself, cleaning the house, etc) to play all the way. Ha!

She can even follow what I like her to do. Okay, not yet of doing chores, alright? Wink. ;-) Just like doing peek-a-boo, passing things from her hand to my hand, doing snort like a pig, beautiful eyes, give-me-five, and many more stuffs she likes and laugh at the end of an activity. I find it cute, if not, then I do not know what you are thinking. Ha! Smile. :-)