An infant's activity is unique. Her/His actions might be the same or different to other infants but with the power of its uniqueness, what makes it intriguing and thrilling. Whew! What about roll-over activity? As what we knew, most (if not all) infants underwent roll-over or yet to do. As experienced mom said, some rolled-over early and some late (but beware of the late because it is a signal of something). And what about how many months is a particular infant roll-over?

In my daughter's case, it was today. At a particular time of 4:00 PM (date check: February 17, 2012) as I was in a nearby chair watching out of her in mat, I suddenly heard a voice of a bit crying. That's the time I saw her rolled-over for the first time. She cried because she was not able to take her right arm from her tummy. " Wow! " is my first reaction. Yes, I was happy and grabbed my digi-cam to take a picture of one of her firsts. After that, I happily told my husband about it even he was asleep, he has the right to know it. He was happy too. :-)

So that is it, just a little note for this day. A development of my dearie baby love.