Just a minute ago, a jumperoo came out on my mind. Yes, I saw a post of my friend to her friend baby how she likes being in a jumperoo. Then I thought of my baby love. She likes to straighten her body, as in she likes to enjoy standing-up. As much as she likes to stand, but she can't yet. She has a jumpster (which was given by my baby shower host, her Tita Dorie, thanks Dor) but since we don't have a stuff to hang it on, I like to think jumperoo is good for her. Why not, right? And I search for some. I already had an idea how much is it and some other stuffs related to it, in lieu of such if I don't like grabbing that color. Ooh well. I now need bucks. Ha! Not a good thought because it needs to spend but that's what money is, to spend for a need or a little want (if you have a lot, then you can spend on your much wants. Ha! Unfortunately, our standing is on the first phrase. So it's still not bad, I think.). I like to give her what she needs. And this one is one need (or again, a little want) so let's just see what I can come up. I don't want to end up buying like her cute pink bassinet, Dr. Brown's electric sterilizer and some others that end up returning or worse, it's just in the corner after first time use. Ah! Think, think, think! Have a great Sunday everyone! :-)