Ha! What a word. I don't know if that is an acceptable word, the "pacifier-ing". Smile. All I know that there's a word "pacifier" and that an action or a root word can have "ing" to merge with it. So which is which? *wink*

I don't have to deal with that since this is not a grammar blog. Ha! Alright, this blog is a baby or mommy blog, or the two so I have to focus on that. :-) Why not?  Back to topic. My baby love, my one and only daughter was introduced to pacifier when she was still in the hospital. Yes, the nurse(s) and nurse assistants (I forgot the term they use of the nurse assistant) introduced it to her. Good thing she embraced it. It didn't take long for them to do the work of introducing it to her. It indeed a help. And I love the idea. Until now, she use her pacifier most especially when she sleeps. It only very seldom (if she's very sleepy) she won't signal where's her pacifier. :-) Take note, I love the texture of pacifier now than the time I was still an assistant nanny to my nephew (of my first cousin). And so hooray to the makers of pacifier much more to its improvement from hard to very soft at the same time is suit to the gums and mouth of a baby. I can tell it won't hurt a baby's teeth or gums because of how it is made, that is soft and the way it is shaped.