Home renovation or remodeling does not have to be costly. If you cannot afford to hire a professional to do the entire job, you can always do some of the repairs or renovations on your own. You can just leave the more technical aspects to them. That way, you will be able to save a considerable amount of money from professional fees if you only hire their services for a particular task and not for the entire renovation. You can even do some research beforehand and read some tips and tutorials on how to do minor repairs and cleaning like how to remove stickers from glass. There are some effective tools that can help you with it. Once you are done with the minor tasks, you will only have to pay for the tasks that require technical expertise that professional's offer. Determine which tasks are simple enough to do on your own. You can ask family members to help you and have a family bonding at the same  time. You know, family must be together through thick and thin. Yeah.