Saving is one of the ancient ways to survive. You’ll never know what will happen in the future and only those who have something left behind can surpass the challenge. In this fast paced world, the need to plan 5 steps ahead is a must. Learning how to save is tantamount to learning how to live.

As early as possible, children should learn how to save especially when it comes to money. Parents can teach them by buying their first piggy bank and encouraging them to place some coins in there every time they got one. Training them to save for whatever they want to want buy will develop their budgeting skills and would eventually learn getting something would always require effort and hard work.

This method of discipline wouldn’t be only applicable to saving money but to everything that they own. It is not about hoarding but keeping in mind that these things aren’t worthy to be placed on the trash because someday it will serve an important purpose.

Now, I can't wait to teach my 16 months old Sam. But I have to wait the time that she can comprehend what I am going to teach her. :)