Bonding with your child happens for some at the moment of birth, but for others, it takes more time. Either way, it is a learning process for both parents as they begin to know and love their baby. Whoever is going to be mother and father to this baby needs to come to terms with their new role. If there has been a difficult birth, or complications, you will need extra outside support to get you back on your feet, so that you can get on with the job of caring for and loving your new baby.

Your newborn is programmed with instincts and reflexes that enable her to survive and grow and learn. Her newborn behavior is unpredictable, but there are baselines to look for as you get to know her. Touch and human contact are as essential to your baby as food, warmth and sleep. Her reactions to your handling her needs will guide you. If she gets what she needs, she will know the world is a good place.