As a mom I confess that it is so easy to shop clothes or anything for girls especially little girls. It’s a no sweat task for me. The picking and choosing is no problem, it’s just the time at times is not very favorable. There seem to be so many choices for girls. From their clothes to their hair clips, to their headbands, then down to their socks, shoes, sandals and even more. You just need to have lots of money to buy more than what’s needed for the princess of the house.

While we shop for our daughter /s, and even our hubby, there is one thing we totally forgot. Can you guess what is it? It’s that we forget to shop for ourselves. Right? We are so preoccupied of the things that will make our darling girls look so pretty, and we forgot that we too moms have to maintain our prettiness.

So next time you got out to grab things for your little girls, grab some for you, too!