I know that being a mom is a 24/7 job and we always have to be on our toes making sure every bit of our baby’s needs is well taken care of. I know, too, that during the first few months into motherhood we might have thrown most of our old life out the window and make our entire world revolve around this little bundle of joy that we’ve recently welcomed into our lives. It was the most wonderful experience, but also the most demanding one. Think of numerous diaper changes and endless waking up at nights especially to the newborns to feed our baby. Although we do it with too much love, sometimes the hard work can also take its toll on us and what’s the best thing for us to do is to take a break!

Yes, it does not mean you will leave your child unattended while you to do the spa to have a much-needed foot treatment and massage or leave your baby all to himself while you and dad go out to have dinner and watch a movie together. There is just no way you can do that, right? The trick is to find someone you will trust your life with, say a best friend or your mom or your sister, to leave your little one, so you will be sure to take the much-needed break without the glitch.

The second paragraph is luxurious for me and I doubt I can have that this time, or I don't know when can I have that. Well, GOD is good. I just have to trust HIM. I know HE won't leave me behind.