Yep, mommies/mommies-to-be in USA and beyond (all those who celebrate Thanksgiving Day as the day in USA), how's your celebration? I bet you guys had a lot of fun, foods especially turkeys, pumpkin pies and alike! Great! It's one celebration of the year to celebrate the gratefulness of harvest, for having family and friends, having work,  and anything in between.

Now, it's time to countdown for Christmas! How's your counting going? Isn't it exciting that Christmas is just around the corner? Some godparents have to hide from now on since it's time for gift-giving to their godchildren! Whew! *wink* Anyway, it's really cool just by thinking it's already Christmas soon. No other holiday before it to look forward to but Christmas. It's time to stand the Christmas and decors! Have fun in the journey (but don't forget your kiddos, you have to attend him/her/them first! :-D)!