I guess it comes with the territory that you will ultimately miss every good night sleep once you become a mother. Before thinking about completing 8 long hours of sleep each night, you have to put your little one’s welfare first and check whether she is sleeping quite well or needs a diaper change or if she will be waking up in the wee hours of the morning and will coerce you to play with her at 4am. If it happens that your baby is having a sound sleep one night, you still have to wake up every too often to feed her and make sure she won’t wake and have the goodnight sleep that she needs. My baby love is still on her newborn up to 4months journey, meaning, she should have to be fed at every two(2) or three(3) hours which means, you know already (lack of sleep for mom).

Oh well, maybe you can always make up for the lack of sleep during nap time, maybe. Or I think it is just a matter of time management. Good luck first-time mommy(ies) like me! Whew!