It might be a bit overboard to think about my little princess and dating all in the same stream of thought, but you know how mommy/ies tend to over-react and over-think everything sometimes. When it is her time, gone are the days of old-fashioned dating and courtships and in comes the modern high-tech way of dealing with things and stuffs. I bet they will have a wonderful time trying out fun dating sites online and she will have gone on a few of those before finally meeting the right person for her. Oh well, that is just thinking ahead of me. I will never know how to react when my little girl finally asks our permission to go out on dates. I might just have to fight the urge to turn her down. She will always be my baby after all and it would be hard to let her go out in to the world to spread her wings and find her own little place under the sun.

What do you think mommies, daddies and everyone there? :-) Ah, the joy of looking forward her/their  growing-up days. I can just think of the fun and the great ones. :-)