Getting your body back into shape is important. But remember, it usually takes a few months to lose that extra weight mommy(ies). Allow time for your body to recover, especially if you have stitches. For the first two weeks exercise should be light, increasing gradually to moderate activity to help your recovery. Daily exercise, even a ten-minute walk, will help tone your body and increase your strength and energy. Getting outdoors with your baby in her carriage will also clear your head, decrease stress and help you sleep better.

Begin with gentle pelvic exercise as soon as possible, then move on to moderate exercise of the abdominal muscles when you’re feeling up to it. Wait at least six weeks before doing any strenuous aerobic activity. As your body feels stronger, increase your exercise to low impact aerobics, such as walking, swimming or cycling. But make sure that you are eating well-balanced, nutritious foods to maintain your energy.